Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scott Kelby World Wide Photo Walk Oct 5, 2013 Lasalle, Ontario

     So this was the second year I attended the W.W.P.W. here in Windsor. It was actually out in Lasalle this year as the leader felt they had already covered the good areas in Windsor. In Lasalle we had the park, Fort Malden, The Pier, the downtown area and just about anywhere else we wanted to go in the town. This year my son Liam joined me again and we shared the camera. His shots appear here also. These are just a selection of some of the best we took of the 600 shots.  

Old  style lamp post with flag and banner.

House across from park near the fort. They had a number of statues in the yard. This one caught my site - under the tree with the water in the back ground.

There was just something about this dark porch with the shaded approach.

A lone tree changing color on the rocky bit connecting two islands.

Laying down looking up with the trees circled above.

Old wooden base under a fort cannon. 

The view of the fort manor, reflected through the window of the barracks & you can still see the uniforms hanging. 

A squirrel seems to have left some of it's snack behind.

The seal on top of one of the cannons at the pier.

There is a bronze memorial statue at the pier of three flint lock rifles, leaning up in tri-pod formation. The tops of the guns morph into these flowers. I put my camera on a tri-pod and the tri-pod on the base of the memorial to get the angle for this. 

     The following are a selection of the shots my son Liam took. We were just leaving the waters edge; where I took the one above of the tree on the rocks, when we noticed a tree stump. We both were thinking it would make a good shot, when Liam noticed there was a sail slithering across it. Liam had the camera and got down on the ground and started snapping close up shots. There were several really good ones, these two were the best.

You can see the slime trail it's leaving, and see through the body. See the vein leading from the one antenna down into the body?

It got to the edge and looks down to figure out how to descend the rough bark.

Looking down the barrel. It's a little ...rusty in there.

Standing guard.

Looking up the ladder of the manor at Fort Malden.

Bee on the flower at the Pier.

Bee on the flower at the Pier.

Moth on the flower at the Pier.
    Really enjoyed the walk and the lunch afterward. We sat and talked more this year then in the past year. I also talked my friend George into going this year and so we enjoyed the experience together. I look forward to seeing his pictures and sharing ours.