Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Foggy Nov 19 2012 Morning In Windsor (Part 3 - Goose Bay Park)

   So lastly that day, I was driving along Riverside Drive and passed the Goose Bay Park. A small park on the edge of the river with about 30 or more Canadian Geese swimming in the bay as the fog hung over the river.  I parked and started snapping shots. The only thing I couldn't get was some taking flight from the water. They just swam around. I got a few good ones though. Hope you enjoy and "Remember When ..." you last watched the birds.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Foggy Nov 19 2012 Morning In Windsor (Part 2 The Peace Fountain Park on Riverside)

    So I continued to look for opportunity to take some photo's on this foggy morning, and drove down to the  Peace Fountain Park at the riverfront. I thought that maybe I could get some shots of the GM building (REN CEN) in Detroit as the sun burned the fog off the river. Kind of appearing in the distance out of the mist. But even by 11 am it was still thick over the river, even though you could look the other direction over Windsor and see clearly for a good long way and see clear blue skies. I hadn't eaten breakfast and my sugar was getting low, so I had to quit by then. I got some pictures of the gulls and ducks though. The one with the gull on the corner of the fence with another one flying over was a great opportunity and in the grayed out area to the right (where I placed my water mark) is where the GM building would have been, if you could see through the fog. I did lighten up the one with the duck in the water on notch, it was to grayed out otherwise.  Looking through the spider web with the water droplets on it makes me "Remember When...." I was a kid and use to wonder how come the web didn't melt with the water on it, let alone survive the pelting of the drops hitting them.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Foggy Nov 19 2012 Morning In Windsor (Part 1 Walkerville)

     It was a great foggy morning on Nov 18, 2012 and I brought my kids to school. Totally forgetting to grab my camera that morning. I was half way there when I realized it. Luckily I got another chance to grab it on the next morning. I took it through the Walkerville area as I had a few weeks before. The fog hanging over the grave yard next to St. Mary's church with the flags still on the graves, from Remembrance Day.  Willistead Manor and the park with the Fog and trees. Almost haunting.

    Let's "Remember When...." they walked the battle fields of War, to secure our freedom's now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Local news Blog and the Picture of the Day

   I have been enjoying the local news coverage on 'Facebook' from 'windsoriteDOTca'. Since I have been trying to use my camera more and get more experience shooting; I have been taking it with me more often when out and about. I have also run out on the spur of the moment when opportunity knocks. So for instance the Oct 26th photos of the sunset at the Detroit river. I have been trying to block more steadily and have been  uploading to the flicker account. I have gone on my first World Wide Photo Walk and intend to go again next year.  Anyway all this to get back to my initial statement about the 'windsoriteDOTca' coverage of my city of Windsor, Ontario, Canada.  They have a 'Photo of the Day' and they feature obviously photos by locals taken locally. So last friday night I joined their 'flicker group' and uploaded my first 6 pictures (from the three different sets of Autumn pics I posted in my blog, here. They only allow 6 photos per upload. So I sent them in and figured if they used one at all with in the month or so, I would be happy to get any recognition for a shot being worth while. That also takes into account that I would send some other shots along within the week. So anyway, I go back on line about 3 hours later to do some other work on my Genealogy and there is a new e-mail waiting for me. It was from 'windsoriteDOTca' and they were informing me that they were using one of my photos for the photo of the day the next morning. So this past Sat. Nov. 3, 2012, I had the honor of being the featured photo photographer. 

    Here is the e-mail I received


Hi JFWG47!

Here's the most recent activity related to you.
IMG_4614 WM by JFWG47
IMG_4614 WM
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owen from windsoriteDOTca said:

Congratulations, your photo has been selected asPhoto of the Day on windsoriteDOTca ( for Saturday November 3rd 2012!!

Photo of the Day is published every morning at 9:00am on windsoriteDOTca - windsor ontario's neighbourhood news, arts, music, events and city guide!


10 minutes 
  Here is the link if you want to check out the Photo of the day section....

  By the way the World Wide Photo Walk has announced the winners of the best photos, check it out at .....

        As I said above I definitely intend to go on the walk next year, and i will always "Remember When...." I took that first walk, and was inspired to keep pointing and shooting the things around me. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fall is Here - Part 3 - Walking Trails off Wyandotte E., Windsor, Ontario

   So I take Wyandotte E. to Banwell every Sunday to church.  I always mean to take my camera and leave early at this time of the year and forget to.  So a couple weeks back I took the camera and went right after church. My son Liam came with me and we snapped a few. Here are the best of that set taken Oct. 21, 2012.  There are some trails that connect up with the main trail that has been running along the river front for years (the Ganatchio Trail) and in this section it comes from the south side of the road and goes through a tunnel under Wyandotte Street E. and continues on to connect to the main trail at the river. There is a large pond in this section and in the background you can see an old brick building sticking up. It is an old storage ware house build back in the early 1900's.  "Remember When would go for a walk in the autumn colors?

South side of street.  A path of color.

South side again. My son walking the path.
 I played with the color and contrast a little to see the pop.

A bare tree on the North side next to the path.

Looking through the under growth
 over the pond to the other side. 

Looking from shore side across the pond.

This was taken on the way back home. It is a view from
 Jefferson street looking west to the  G.M. headquarters
 in Detroit in the distance at rails end.